Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Times Does Lilly

The New York Times has got an article on Lilly and it turned cynicism into sparkling witticism.  Take a look here and...
...this is my favorite bit:

WURLITZER The shop has a preppy, kooky cheerfulness that is a tad manic, but effective enough to make even a vampire like me want to practice my putt to the Swingle Singers.

ICH BIN EIN BERLITZER At a time when many brands seem to be tilting to please overseas customers, Ms. Pulitzer’s tastes are unapologetically American. Like Carol Brady, “Up With People” American. But they welcome anyone bold enough to wear a patchwork floral necktie under a collar of palm-green micro-gingham.

1 comment:

  1. This is funny! I love the Carol Brady-American correlation. Is being American so wrong, haha.
